Vehicle Dynamics Library

Vehicle Dynamics Library provides an open and user-extensible environment for full vehicle and vehicle subsystem analysis.  Designed with a hierarchical structure and an extensive library of predefined vehicle components, the configuration of any class of wheeled vehicle – cars, trucks, motorsport vehicles, heavy vehicles – is convenient and straight-forward.

The library allows you to optimize and verify the design of your vehicle systems from the early design phases through control design and implementation.  It is unique in that it provides true multi-body, multi-domain simulation with real-time performance, and model export capabilities allowing distribution across your organization.

vehicle dynamics simulation in modelon impact


  • Enables straight-forward configuration of any wheeled vehicle
  • Contains an extensive set of predefined templates, components and subsystems
  • Vehicle and subsystem models deployable across all your organization through FMU export
  • Fast, real-time capable multi-body models
  • Open and easily extensible natively (via Modelica) or using existing customer subroutines
  • Support for TYDEX Standard Tyre Interface (STI) tire models
  • Support for FTire and the Delft-Tyre family of tire models
  • Support for parameterization using XML, JSON, MAT, or Adams data property files


Motorsports — The Vehicle Dynamics Library provides the necessary components, subsystems and experiments for motorsport applications and is widely used in Formula 1, NASCAR, IndyCar and other top motorsport series.

Real-time and Simulators — Driver-in-the-loop (DIL) simulation is used extensively among the F1 teams and NASCAR manufacturers and is becoming more widespread among automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers.  The Vehicle Dynamics Library is the platform of choice in many DIL simulators worldwide because it can produce full-fidelity, multi-domain vehicle models capable of running in real-time.

Modelica Delft-Tyre Interface — The Modelica Delft-Tyre Interface makes industry-standard tire models from TNO available for Modelica tools.

Active safety and limit handling — Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are devices developed to enhance vehicle systems for safety and better driving.  The Vehicle Dynamics Library allows automotive OEMS and suppliers to accurately simulate ADAS impact on ride and handling.

Heavy vehicles – trucks, busses, construction machines as excavators and loaders, tractors, terrain vehicles – all benefit of Vehicle Dynamics Library via its comprehensive environment for the design and analysis of a wide range of vehicular components.

The Vehicle Dynamics Library is Available in Modelon Impact

Modelon’s Vehicle Dynamics Library is seamlessly integrated and accessible in Modelon Impact. Users are able to access Modelon’s world-class comprehensive library of predefined vehicle components, related to mechanical design and control design.



Modelon Libraries

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