Jet Propulsion Library

Modelon’s Jet Propulsion Library provides a foundation for the modeling and simulation of jet engines, including the model-based design of integrated aircraft systems.

The jet engine, a key source for power on-board aircraft, couples the opportunity for substantial performance improvements with the challenge of mastering the underlying physics. Modelon’s Jet Propulsion Library offers a comprehensive set of components that empower cycle performance analysis and optimization of all types of aerospace gas turbines.

Modelon’s open-standard structure enables a model-based design approach, leveraging model assets across the design cycle from on/off design computations via transient simulation including real-time simulation on test benches. This open and modular approach enables integration with all relevant sub-systems and physical domains, such as thermal management and fuel systems.

Additionally, Jet Propulsion Library models can be connected to secondary power systems. This enables the computation of the cost of extracting secondary power in terms of electric, hydraulic, pneumatic power, and the transient interactions with the engine loads. These aspects are crucial for advancing electric aircraft.

jet propulsion template cycle diagram

Templates allow users to set up cycle models quickly.


  • Accessible library of pre-defined components and sub-systems for use in more than 30 predefined thermodynamic cycles
  • Fully rigorous thermodynamic property models
  • Based on the Modelica open standards, the library enables model re-use and easy integration with other libraries
  • Industry standard data formats
  • Steady-state, transient, and real-time simulation in the same tool


The Jet Propulsion Library offers a comprehensive set of components that empower cycle performance analysis and optimization of all types of aerospace gas engines.

Applications include:

  • Fuel system analysis – Design engineers in the aerospace industry often face complex, multi-domain interactions between physical and control systems when it comes to fuel systems. Routinely, fuel management analyses of fueling/refueling, as well as inertia and flammability simulations are required.
  • Hybrid propulsion – Hybrid propulsion concepts combining classic with electric power system technology hold promise for tremendous improvements. However, they are poorly understood. For these reasons, a model-based design approach building on first principles is essential.
  • Multi-domain aircraft dynamics – Hybrid electric and so-called “More Electric Aircraft” (aircraft with increased use of electric secondary power for the aircraft sub-systems) employ fundamentally different principles in certain areas. Sub-systems that were previously driven hydraulically or pneumatically or even entirely passive now are based on electric power supply.
  • Thermal management – Thermal management has evolved into a critical performance and capability constraint on a whole aircraft level. Sophisticated design and operation of the thermal management system is required as the thermal constraints must be met without deteriorating performance.


Modelon Libraries

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