Modelon 2022.1 Release: Now Available
February 21, 2022
Since the release of Modelon Impact, our cloud-native system simulation platform, we’ve made constant enhancements to user productivity and experience. With this 2022.1 release, system simulation just got a lot more powerful. We’ve now released the Modelon Help Center, workspace configuration management, and quick-start example models. Here’s what those, and some more notable updates, mean for […]
Reinforcement Learning: Develop AI-Based Controllers For A Heat Recovery Steam Generator System
December 8, 2021
This blog post details the innovative use of reinforcement learning (RL) to develop AI-based controllers for a heat recovery steam generator system. By combining Modelon Impact and’s DeepSim platform, engineers are able to take advantage of the latest developments in AI without having to upend current workflows, learn new technologies, or design new models. […]
Hydrogen Power: Integrating clean fuel to support a clean future
July 22, 2020
Replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen can be a significant step in reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. This blog demonstrates how teams, using Modelon Impact, can easily create a full plant model to address technical challenges and evaluate efficient operation.
The Future of Microgrids: Georgia Tech Researchers Prove Microgrid Design With a Digital Twin, Powered by Modelon
June 10, 2020
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology use Modelon Impact to explore methods for effective building energy management through use of microgrid architectures.
Cogeneration Power Plant Optimization for Managing Renewable Energy Efficiently and Economically
February 11, 2020
This blog post covers how an energy service provider transitioned its cogeneration power plant to utilize renewable energy.
Hydroelectric Power and the Environment: How to create a sustainable hydroelectric plant in the 21st century using simulation
October 9, 2019
Learn how a U.S. based utility company worked with Modelon to successfully design, test, and implement a control system that minimized the environmental impact of their hydroelectric powerplant.
Taking A Flexible Operation Power Plant to the Next Level with Carbon Capture & Storage Technology
March 26, 2019
In this blog, researchers at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) study the effectiveness of CCS technology by utilizing Modelon libraries to develop a dynamic model of natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant with post-combustion CO2 absorption process.
Integrated CO2 Absorption Process in a Coal-Fired Power Plant
January 3, 2018
It’s no secret that global governments are implementing greenhouse gas policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. These policies have a direct impact on the power generation sector as carbon capture and storage technologies are essentially the only option available for fossil-based power generation to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions. So, how will they do it? […]
Stabilizing Hydro Power for the Electrical Grid
August 31, 2017
Hydro-power is often associated with conservative and perhaps stagnant technology development. But, because it has been around for hundreds of years and many countries rely on the output of power, the maintenance and continued support of these plants is critical. Currently, in Iceland 70% of their electricity is produced from hydroelectric power, therefore constant operation […]
Validating Fuel Cell Efficiencies
August 15, 2017
In the last decade, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) have seen an up-tick in popularity and practicality as OEMs and economies work to reach regional and global environmental goals. The automotive industry stands to gain the most from these technologies as PEMFC offer benefits that include: low emissions, in comparison to the archaic internal […]