Aircraft Hydraulic Actuator System Design and Optimization
November 14, 2024
This blog is Part 5 of a blog series that demonstrates how the Modelon Hydraulics Library can be used for the model-based development of an Aircraft Hydraulic Actuation System.
Electric Vehicle Torque Vectoring Design
October 27, 2021
Torque vectoring technology is a vehicle’s ability to vary torque in each wheel. Learn how to create and analyze a torque vectoring system in electric vehicles using the Vehicle Dynamics Library and Electrification Library integrated in Modelon Impact.
Aircraft Fuel Systems: Designing and Validating Fuel Systems for Safety
September 6, 2021
Efficiently model, simulate, and validate an aircraft fuel tank inerting system reducing the risk of combustion and flammability.
Multi-body Vehicle Dynamics: Chassis Design and Analysis Using Steady-State Technology
June 29, 2021
Steady-state technology and multi-execution capabilities enable the modeling and simulation of chassis to determine how a vehicle will drive. This is enabled by Modelon Impact’s Vehicle Dynamics Library.
Aircraft Landing Gear Design: Model and Simulate Aircraft Landing in Varying Conditions
April 26, 2021
Learn how to model and simulate an aircraft landing in unpredictable conditions in Modelon’s Aircraft Dynamics Library integrated in Modelon Impact.
Steady State and Dynamic Simulation: What is the difference?
March 3, 2021
In this blog post, Modelon’s senior simulation engineer, Clément Coïc, summarizes the difference between steady-state and dynamic simulation.
Aircraft System Simulation for Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
January 12, 2021
Focusing on aircraft system simulation, Modelon’s revolutionary software has been an enabler for the reduction of aircraft carbon dioxide emissions by using the boosted turbofan concept.
Hydrogen Power: Integrating clean fuel to support a clean future
July 22, 2020
Replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen can be a significant step in reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. This blog demonstrates how teams, using Modelon Impact, can easily create a full plant model to address technical challenges and evaluate efficient operation.
Ventilator Shortage Spurs Technology Partnership between RespiraWorks and Modelon
April 9, 2020
RespiraWorks addresses ventilator shortage and works with Modelon to model and simulate a ventilator that will be possible to manufacture within Central and South America – reducing time-to-patient.
Real-time Simulation of an Aircraft Aileron Actuator
April 2, 2020
This blog is Part 4 of a blog series that demonstrates how the Modelon Hydraulics Library can be used for the model-based development of an Aircraft Hydraulic Actuation System.