Hierarchical Controller Design for Motion Stability of Electric Vehicles

A solutions paper written by award winners of the IEEE CDC Autonomous Driving Control Benchmark Challenge.
In 2023, Modelon partnered with IEEE to offer the Autonomous Driving Control Benchmark Challenge.
This challenge gave researchers and students the resources to study and propose innovative solutions for motion control in electric vehicles for design and optimization. Modelon supplied licenses to its cloud-based system simulation platform, Modelon Impact and access to the full versions of its Vehicle Dynamics Library and Electrification Library within Modelon Impact. With these tools, participants studied the proposed challenge and submitted conference paper presentation for the IEEE CDC Conference, which was held in Singapore on December 13th –15th, 2023.
Three teams won awards for their papers and wrote technical resources to share their methodology and outcomes from the challenge.
Download the technical paper below, written by winner’s of the Silver Award, to learn how a hierarchical controller design for the motion stability can be achieved using Modelon Impact and its libraries.
Congratulations to Yunfei Zhou, La Ta, Libin Ren, Mingxin Kang, Jiangyan Zhang, and Yuhu Wu on their success in this challenge.