Modelon Sponsors the IEEE Autonomous Driving Control Benchmark Challenge

Are you a student or researcher studying the next generation of autonomous driving? Enter the IEEE Autonomous Driving Control Benchmark Challenge for a chance to try out Modelon Impact!
The automotive industry’s future
The future of the automotive industry is autonomous driving and electric vehicles. Fueled by the climate and consumer demand, major automakers such as Tesla, Honda, and General Motors have publicly announced their respective pledges for this future.
To successfully fulfill their pledges, a key topic for research that automakers are faced with today is motion control for electric vehicles. Without advanced motion control, autonomous driving in electric vehicles becomes a drifting target. This topic is, albeit increasingly important, not given much of a platform to be studied and refined by vehicle engineering students and researchers.
Modelon has partnered with IEEE
It is with great pleasure that Modelon has partnered with IEEE to offer the Autonomous Driving Control Benchmark Challenge. This challenge is meant to give students and researchers the resources to study and propose innovative solutions for motion control in electric vehicles for design and optimization. Modelon will be supplying accepted participants with licenses to its cloud-based system simulation platform, Modelon Impact. Additionally, Modelon will also supply access to the full versions of its Vehicle Dynamics Library and Electrification Library within Modelon Impact. With these tools, participants will be able to study the proposed challenge and submit a conference paper presentation for the IEEE CDC Conference, held in Singapore on December 13th –15th, 2023. Participants will also be able to lean on the conference organizers’ expertise. This year’s organizers are esteemed representatives from Modelon, Toyota Motor Corporation, HIRANO Research Laboratory, Chiba University, and Sophia University.
This benchmark challenge is open to vehicle engineering students and researchers from all regions. To learn more or to register for the conference, please visit the IEEE Benchmark Challenge webpage. Registration for this challenge has been open since April 1st, 2023.