Using Modelon’s Hydraulics Library to Model Aircraft Hydraulic Circuit Architectures
November 5, 2018
Modelon’s Hydraulics Library is a comprehensive and versatile library that allows engineers to easily model both EHA and SHA by maintaining reusable and scalable components. Additionally, Modelon’s Hydraulics Library returns reliable simulation results so designers can gain maximum understanding about their system’s performance. In this blog, we’ll show just how easy it is to model both SHA and EHA architectures using the Modelon Hydraulics Library.
Easy Integration of Hydraulics Within A Crane System
August 30, 2018
Integrating hydraulics within your system? The Modelon Hydraulics Library can help. Learn how we used it to model and simulate a hydraulically actuated crane in a few simple steps.
3 Steps to Reading XML Data into Modelica Models Using Data Access
July 10, 2018
Learn how to read XML data into Modelica models using Data Access, an easy-to-use capability that comes with all Modelon Library Suite products.
Modelon Joins TRADE Initiative as Aerospace Simulation Technology Provider
June 21, 2018
Modelon is proud to be a partner in the Turbo electRic Aircraft Design Environment (TRADE) project, funded by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
Advancing Your Vehicle’s Energy Efficient Design
May 9, 2018
Vehicle manufacturers have long been working to design and develop vehicles that tout superior fuel economy but are now beginning to shift their perspective to advancing electric vehicles to obtain an increase in overall vehicle energy efficiency.
Designing and developing advanced aircraft escape systems for fighter pilots
January 16, 2018
Fighter pilots often face critical and life-threatening situations that require a military aircraft manufacturer to design and expertly craft escape systems – ensuring safety opportunities exist in case of emergency evacuation. In a previous project, Modelon worked with a military aircraft manufacturer on escape systems, specifically the pilot ejector seat, that would propel a pilot’s […]
Integrated CO2 Absorption Process in a Coal-Fired Power Plant
January 3, 2018
It’s no secret that global governments are implementing greenhouse gas policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. These policies have a direct impact on the power generation sector as carbon capture and storage technologies are essentially the only option available for fossil-based power generation to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions. So, how will they do it? […]
Integrating Thermal Management Systems for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
November 8, 2017
Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles are intensively being developed by the automotive industry to replace conventional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. These vehicles specifically require a tighter integration of the thermal management system with the cabin air conditioning. Why are expectations on the cooling system so high for electric vehicles? The Li-ion batteries […]
Validating Fuel Cell Efficiencies
August 15, 2017
In the last decade, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) have seen an up-tick in popularity and practicality as OEMs and economies work to reach regional and global environmental goals. The automotive industry stands to gain the most from these technologies as PEMFC offer benefits that include: low emissions, in comparison to the archaic internal […]
Model-Based Systems Engineering for Aircraft Engines
June 27, 2017
Modelon’s Jet Propulsion Library provides the foundation for modeling and simulating jet engines along with the integrated model-based systems engineering of aircraft systems. Why start optimizing The prime mover of an aircraft, the jet engine, is one of the most important subsystems of an aircraft. Jet engines provide primary power (thrust) and secondary power (to […]