At Modelon, we understand the challenges engineers face when designing and creating controls for hydrogen storage systems. Storage structures have to account for varying pressures during and after flight, and optimize for filling, extensive storage, and transportation. We’ve accounted for these challenges in Modelon Impact so engineers have more confidence in their proposed designs.

In this video, Anh Nguyen, Senior Simulation Engineer at Modelon, demonstrates how Modelon Impact can be used to:

  • Size the storage tanks under thermodynamic and mechanical constraints
  • Analyze the effect of filling rates on temperature and leakage.
  • Pressurize and boil-off during storage with heat ingress.
  • Maintain temperature and reduce leakage while extracting fuel during flight.

About Modelon

Modelon Impact is the ultimate system simulation and modeling platform for the design, simulation, and optimization of industrial systems. With validated components, a user-friendly interface, and the ability to extract insightful simulation results, Modelon Impact empowers engineers to make informed decisions about the design and operation of hydrogen storage for aircraft systems.