Methods and Tools for Co-Simulation of Dynamic Systems with the Functional Mock-up Interface

MARCH 29, 2016
PhD Thesis, Lund University, Sweden
Different simulation and modeling tools often use their own definition of how a model is represented and how model data is stored. Complications arise when trying to model parts in one tool and importing the resulting model in another tool, or when trying to verify a result by using a different simulation tool. The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) [50] is a standard to provide a unified model execution interface for exchanging dynamic system models between modeling tools and simulation tools. A model that follows the FMI is called a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) . The standard has gained widespread adoption among users and numerous commercial and open source tools¹ implement support for the standard. In the standard’s footsteps, a great deal of attention has been on simulation of dynamic system models, and specifically simulation of coupled dynamic systems.