FMI Introduction

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This one-day course gives an introduction the widely accepted industry standard: Functional Mock-Up Interface (FMI). It explains the benefits of the standard and how it can be used for model-based development, analysis and deployment. A number of FMI compliant tools are shown and demonstrated to increase the understanding for the workflow and the endless possibilities that come with the specification.


Introduction and background

What is FMI and why do we need it?
FMI for Model exchange (Solver not included)
FMI for Co-simulation (Solver included)
FMI in Dymola

Workflow and solutions

FMI workflow
FMI Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink
FMI use cases

Solutions for analysis and calibration

FMI for analysis and validation in MS Excel
FMI for optimization and calibration

Model exchange and Co-simulation FMU’s

Improve understanding
FMU types
Common pitfalls

Who should attend?

This course is for users who want a comprehensive introduction to the FMI standard. It can be tailored to the needs and tools of the customer.

How To Register

Modelon training courses are offered as scheduled open classes or private, possibly customized, classes. Contact our sales team for registration, inquiries, quotes and advice.

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