ASME Turbo Expo 2022

Modelon will present at the ASME Turbo Expo 2022 taking place June 13th – 17th.
Turbo Expo encompasses topics spanning the entire turbomachinery industry – gas turbines, steam turbines, wind turbines, fans & blowers, Rankine cycle, and supercritical CO2. Turbo Expo is the only event that provides a full spectrum of research and industry knowledge to truly confirm the latest market trends, technical developments, challenges, and the future state of the turbomachinery industry.
Presented by: Michael Sielemann, Aerospace Industry Director
Michael Sielemann, Modelon’s Aerospace Industry Director, presents at the ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Turbo Expo on June 13th at 5:00 PM CEST! His session covers trade-offs of efficiency and weight for gas turbines using multi-point design and electrical machines using fully analytical sizing.
Parallel hybrid turboprop engines propose a means to reduce fuel consumption of regional aircraft due to lower flight velocities. They feature an electric drive, typically on the free power turbine, and require a design trade-off between the gas turbine and electric power sub-system properties. Degrees of freedom include the nozzle expansion, the propeller loading, the gear ratio, and the selection of shaft speeds. The latter for instance usually requires a trade-off between propeller and free power turbine efficiency. For a parallel hybrid, the electric machine efficiency becomes a third factor to consider. The objective of this paper is to expose some key aspects of these trade-offs in terms of efficiency and weight. The paper applies sophisticated methodology in both addressed domains. For the gas turbine, multi-point design is used. Here, an extension of established synthesis matching schemes is used, which covers the design and operation rules also for the electric components of the hybrid. For the electrical machine, fully analytical sizing is used, which also captures the impact of cooling. For all main gas turbine components and the electric machine, the geometry is estimated based on the sizing methodology and used as input for the weight estimation. Results are presented for parallel hybrid electric 2.5-spool geared turboprop architectures fulfilling requirements of notional 19 passenger regional aircraft. Uninstalled fuel consumption can be lower for the hybrid than the conventional baseline, and the key relations to typical cycle parameters such as overall pressure ratio and shaft speed selection are exposed.
Learn more about the presentation here.
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