Season’s Greetings

Dear Customers and Partners,
We are close to the year’s end, and I’ll take the opportunity to thank you for the confidence and collaboration during my first time as CEO of Modelon.
I have spent the last months with many of our customers to understand your business better and to learn how we can strengthen our partnership. I am grateful for these discussions and have already started to use the feedback to improve our offering and support further. We are guided by our values – innovation, openness, collaboration, and engagement – which we strive to turn into concrete actions and tangible results.
Many of us met in Copenhagen in October at the Modelon Innovate conference. It was humbling to see how our products are used in projects that address some of the greatest challenges of our time: sustainable energy production, non-carbon fuels, carbon capture, self-driving vehicles, efficient climate control, accessible healthcare, and many more. A takeaway from many presentations was the potential of using system simulations to cut prototyping costs, reduce lead times in product development, and improve efficiency of operations. This is very encouraging!
Our customers see the benefits of virtual prototyping and of building simulation models for testing and analyzing new technologies and product designs. Our flagship product, Modelon Impact, has a rich suite of libraries with software components that can describe a system via a drag-and-drop or simple parameter setting. In cases where expert work is required, we will continue to help customers on their journey, providing training, onboarding, and best-in-class services. We have strengthened our teams in North America, Europe, and Asia, and we will drive a high level of engagement to build mutual success.
I have received positive feedback on our direction, especially ease-of-use, cloud delivery, and open interfaces as key differentiators. We are committed to innovation and will continue to base our offering on cloud-native software deployment, providing computing scalability, easy access to results, and support for collaboration. We will continue to build tools based on open standards, giving customers the flexibility to add know-how and the possibility to integrate into established tool chains. The openness of our platform allows for an ecosystem of partner applications and libraries, and we welcome all initiatives that drive a wider and richer offering for our customers.
I look forward to continuing our collaboration and achieving great things together. I wish you all a restful holiday with friends and family and look forward to a successful next year!
Best regards,
Jan Häglund