Modelica Introduction

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This four-day course is a comprehensive introduction to Modelica. The course teaches the principles of Modelica modeling, and it gives you insight in and practice in constructs for model development and library design.

This course assumes familiarity with the usage and workflow of Modelica tools. Dymola is used for examples, excercises and demonstrations. For a unified Dymola and Modelica training, please see the Dymola Introduction Course (note that the Modelica Introduction Course is very similar to day 1-4 of the Dymola Introduction Course).


  • Interactive multi-domain modeling using components from the Modelica Standard Library
  • Principles of physical modeling in Modelica
  • Basics of the Modelica modeling language
  • Organization and structuring of large models
  • Using the Modelica Standard Library
  • Building custom model libraries
  • Creating custom model components in Modelica
  • Working with model templates
  • Working with discrete events
  • Modelica traps and pitfalls

Who should attend?

Users who want to learn Modelica modeling should attend this training. No previous knowledge of Modelica is required, but some skills in a Modelica tool is recommended.

How To Register

Modelon training courses are offered as scheduled open classes or private, possibly customized, classes. Contact our sales team for registration, inquiries, quotes and advice.

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