January 3, 2018
It’s no secret that global governments are implementing greenhouse gas policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. These policies have a direct impact on the power generation sector as carbon capture and storage technologies are essentially the only option available for fossil-based power generation to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions. So, how will they do it? […]
December 20, 2017
On behalf of the entire Modelon organization, we would like to wish you and yours a merry holiday season and prosperous New Year! As we approach the conclusion of 2017, it is with gratitude that we reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, achieved with the remarkable support of our customers and partners. We approach the […]
OPTIMICA Complier Toolkit APIを使用したライブラリ統計情報の抽出
December 12, 2017
Have you ever wondered how many components, functions and models are in your library? Modelon’s OPTIMICA Compiler Toolkit has the capability to enable users to retrieve any essential information using the compiler API. This blog introduces the OPTIMICA API – along with its purpose, functionality, and highlights how it can be used to compute library […]
November 21, 2017
This blog post is relevant for those who are familiar with the Functional Mock-up Interface and are interested in learning about the emerging companion standard, System Structure Parameterization (SSP).
November 8, 2017
Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles are intensively being developed by the automotive industry to replace conventional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. These vehicles specifically require a tighter integration of the thermal management system with the cabin air conditioning. Why are expectations on the cooling system so high for electric vehicles? The Li-ion batteries […]
October 17, 2017
Explaining the ins and outs of working at Modelon is never as transparent as it should seem. After watching Cars 3 with my son I found an easier way to explain the challenges customers have and the benefit of model based engineering. Read on…. What do you do for a living? An intrusive question but, […]
October 5, 2017
BasisSoft, a Modelon reseller, invites you to attend the two following webinars: Modern modeling technologies: automotive – October 19, 2017 – 11:00 Moscow time Modern modeling technologies: aerospace – November 21, 2017 – 11:00 Moscow time Using Modelon libraries, BasisSoft will review use cases and capabilities of the object-oriented language, Modelica, and the industry standard, […]
2017 SAE AeroTech Congress & Exhibitionで講演
September 25, 2017
Modelon Presents at 2017 SAE AeroTech Congress & Exhibition Modelon presents ‘Aircraft Fuel System Design Using 1D and 3D Methods: An Enabler for Thermal Management’ Join us on Wednesday, September 27th in Fort Worth, Texas at 2017 SAE Aerotech Congress & Exhibition. Modelon expert and Chief Strategy Officer, Hubertus Tummescheit, will present Aircraft Fuel System […]
September 20, 2017
This blog post is relevant for those who are interested in learning about implementing auto-tuners for PID controllers into a simulated environment. In Modelon’s upcoming 2017.2 software release, an auto-tuner will be included in the Modelon Base Library and therefore accessible in all libraries. Using Modelon libraries, students successfully developed and implemented a tuning method […]
ModelonのChief Strategy Officerが2017 GPDISで講演
September 11, 2017
Hubertus Tummescheit, Modelon’s Chief Strategy Officer, will present ‘The Functional Mock-up Interface: Innovation through Open Standards’ at the 2017 Global Product Data Interoperability Summit (GPDIS), September 19 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.