2019.2 Release Notes – Liquid Cooling Library 2.4

Liquid Cooling Library v2.4 is part of Modelon’s 2019.2 release.
New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.
- When instantiating the class LiquidCooling.FlowResistances.Geometric.Expansion, the default instance name was changed from “contraction” to “expansion”.
- The parameter positiveFlow is now propagated to the volume components of FourWayValve to avoid nonlinear equations when the option is used.
- Improved Modelica compliance.
Fixed issues
- Fixed issue where incorrect temperatures were used for heat exchanger visualization.
- Fixed issues where velocity and Reynold number were calculated incorrectly in the generic pipe summary. Number of channels is now accounted for in the calculations.
- Fixed issue where Reynolds dependent correction factor for Mitre bends could become negative for low values of basic loss coefficient.
Conversion of user libraries
- No conversion script is needed for user models from version 2.3.
- Liquid Cooling Library 2.4 is based on the Modelon Base Library 3.4 and Modelica Standard Library 3.2.3.