July 1, 2019
モデロンの空調ライブラリ(Air Conditioning Library)と蒸気サイクルライブラリ(Vapor Cycle Library)では、冷媒R1234yfにおける冷媒物性の改善を行いました。このアップグレードによるモデル化の利点と、既存のモデルをそのまま維持する方法についてご紹介します。
November 14, 2018
Functional Mock-up Interface(FMI)標準についてどのくらいご存じでしょうか?モデロンの新しいeBookは、様々なシミュレーションツール間でモデルを共有・統合するためにFMI標準を使用する方法を概要としてご紹介しています。こちらから無料でダウンロードいただけます。
August 9, 2018
最新版FMI Add-In for Excel v2.0 リリース
February 21, 2018
Modelon Releases FMI Add-In v2.0 Meet FMI Add-In 2.0! Now with a brand new easy-to-use interface – FMI Add-In offers upgraded features that utilize state-of-the-art modeling tools within easy-to-access Microsoft Excel. Take advantage of exchanging simulation results with all stakeholders while maintaining flexibility and consistency through the FMI standard. We’ve gone above and beyond, adding […]
November 21, 2017
This blog post is relevant for those who are familiar with the Functional Mock-up Interface and are interested in learning about the emerging companion standard, System Structure Parameterization (SSP).
FMI新製品の発表:FMI Compose
November 14, 2017
Modelon brings to market FMI Composer – the first tool built entirely on the FMI and SSP standards. Modelon is pleased to announce the release of our newest FMI product, FMI Composer – a software platform enabling rapid creation, manipulation and deployment of FMI-based system models. FMI Composer is the first tool in the market […]
9月開催 第11回Modelica Conferenceに出展
September 21, 2017
You can find us in the exhibition hall, the Vendor Session, the Tutorial Session, and at our nine paper presentations.