2019.1 Release Notes – Vapor Cycle Library 2.3

Vapor Cycle Library v2.3 is part of Modelon’s 2019.1 release.
New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.
New Features
- New implementation in the AirChannels to compute the pressure drop and HeatTransfer based on average fluid properties (i.e., non-isothermal) as an option. Refer to Correlation based on averaged properties user guide for more information.
- New correlation used for transport properties of R1234yf. More information can be found in the documentation.
- Media properties for R134a and R1234yf using spline-based table lookup (SBTL) are now available in the media package. For more details, see SBTL.
- Improved robustness for two-phase mediums. This fixed previous issues where NaN could occur as output in two-phase medium property calculations.
- Fixed incorrect direction of summary variable Q_flow for VaporCycle.HeatExchangers.TwoPhaseTwoPhase. Added Q_flow_sec for secondary side heat flow. Note: conversion scripts will modify models to maintain backward compatibility.
Conversion of user libraries
- User libraries will automatically be converted from version 2.2. These conversions are made using the included conversion script: VaporCycle/Resources/Scripts/Convert_to_2.3.mos.
- Vapor Cycle 2.3 is based on the Modelon Base Library 3.3 and Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2. It can be combined with Liquid Cooling Library 2.3 and Heat Exchanger Library 2.3.