2019.1 Release Notes – Heat Exchanger Library 2.3

Heat Exchanger Library v2.3 is part of Modelon’s 2019.1 release.
New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.
New features
- The templates with inhomogeneous sources have been substantially reworked. New source components have been implemented and the old ones deprecated. The XML-source is modified to a generic DataAccess-source as is the case for inhomogeneous air, see HeatExchanger.Sources.Segmented.AirVelocityFromFile, HeatExchanger.Sources.Segmented.AirPressureSinkFromFile and HeatExchanger.Sources.Segmented.AirPressureSourceFromFile. Resampling can now be used independent of the source file type. The HX testbenches have been updated with the new source component. One example where the new source components are used is given in HeatExchanger.HeatExchangers.FlatTube.Experiments.TestBenches.AirGasInhomogeneousExternalDataFiles. Please note that the new source models use different parameters to access the external file paths/names and the parameter smoothness is no longer used.
- Friction calculation in the air channels of flat tube heat exchangers now depends on the upstream air temperature by default, instead of ambient air temperature. The option to use ambient air temperature remains as the parameter useTamb.
- Modified definition of internal parameter A_heat in the channel sub-components in plain and Chevron plate heat exchangers. For these components, A_heat was previously the area of a single plate, whereas for all other components, it it’s the total heat transfer area of a channel (two plates in the case of plain or plate heat exchangers). This was modified to have a consistent definition in all heat exchanger types. The parameters are derived internally and require no changes to the geometrical parameters that the user provides.
- Added Q_flow_sec summary variable to plate heat exchangers (previously only available for pipe heat exchangers).
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue in the flat-tube air side channel model, which would cause unbalanced models or division by zero for unexpected combinations of media choice and condensateMoisture parameter setting.
- Updated homogeneous air pressure source calibration factor.
- Heat Exchanger Library 2.3 is based on Modelon Base Library 3.3 and Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2.