Air Conditioning Library – Release 1.13

Version 1.13 (2016-09-30)
Improvements and new features
- The orifice tube model now provides additional options in case the used refrigerant is R744: A bypass for inlet pressures larger than a user defined threshold and the possibility to calibrate the tube with available experimental data in case no geometry information is present.
- All valve models in AirConditioning.Valves are extended with a check valve option, which prohibits backflow above a user defined leakage flow.
- The heat exchanger summary variables Superheat and Subcooling now describe the outlet state downstream of possibly activated headers. Previously, they always referred to the refrigerant channel outlet and neglected downstream headers.
- The information section on zero-flow simulation was extended.
- Smoothing options for heat transfer correlations were introduced. They are recommended to make zero-flow simulations faster and more robust.
- Missing conversions in conversion script for ACL 1.12 for deprecated bug-fixed correlations are added.
New classes
- The new check valve model can be used in cases where the check valve functionality in other valves is insufficient to describe the components behavior. Here, the opening and closing characteristic of the valve is described by user defined upper and lower pressure limits.
- A model for an electronic expansion valve was added. As default it provides the option to define a hysteresis for the relationship between input to a step motor and the valves flow coefficient. The characteristics block can easily be replaced with user defined versions.
- A top level volume model with an array of fluid ports was added to support one-to-one connections of stream connectors.
Conversion of user libraries
No conversion scripts required.
The AirConditioning Library 1.13 is based on the ThermoFluidPro Library 1.13, Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2. and UserInteraction 0.64.