Jet Propulsion Library

Modeling and simulation of aerospace gas turbines for virtual prototyping, control design and system verification.
The Jet Propulsion Library is a modeling framework for gas turbines and jet propulsion of commercial and military aircraft. The comprehensive set of components enables cycle performance analysis and optimization of all types of aerospace gas turbines. On-design and off-design performance can be studied as well as steady state and transient behavior based on a single model. The library provides a hierarchical framework of sub-systems and components. It contains more than 30 predefined thermodynamic cycle templates to model a large array of cycles including mixed and unmixed turbo fans, turbo props, and turbo jets. Cycles with and without augmentation as well as with different numbers of shafts can be configured.
- Extensive library of pre-defined components and sub-systems for use in more than 30 predefined thermodynamic cycles
- Fully rigorous thermodynamic property models
- Open code and easily extensible
- Use of industry standard data formats
- Steady-state, transient, and real-time simulation in the same tool