2019.2 Release Notes – Vehicle Dynamics Library 3.4

Vehicle Dynamics Library v3.4 is part of Modelon’s 2019.2 release.
New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.
New features
Vehicle-level Templates for Trucks
Two vehicle-level templates for trucks have been added:
- Vehicle.Templates.FrontEngineTruck which has separate engine, transmission and driveline on the vehicle level
- Vehicle.Templates.Truck which has an integrated powertrain component instead. This template is well suited for electric powertrains.
For these templates, the following interface models are used:
- Brakes – Brakes.Interfaces.Truck
- Driveline – Drivelines.Interfaces.Truck
- Powertrain – Powertrains.Interfaces.Truck
These all take advantage of the new vectorized hubs in the truck chassis templates. Engines and transmissions use the same interface as passenger cars.
The following example models have been added:
- Brakes.Trucks.Lumped – a brake system with lumped characteristics.
- Driveline.Examples.Trucks.RearWheelDrive2 – a driveline where one rear axle is driven. Which axle is driven can be configured.
- Transmission.Automatic.TwelveSpeed – a twelve speed gearbox for trucks.
- Vehicles.Examples.Trucks.Truck_6x2 – a vehicle model for a 6×2 truck using the above models as well as a truck parameterized tabular engine.
A model based on the new vehicle templates can be used in any of the standard VDL Vehicle experiments. This greatly expands the number of experiments that can be run with truck models.
New Chassis-level Experiments for Trucks
New experiment templates and example experiments have been added for truck chassis models. The following templates are now available:
- SteerAndVelocity
- CurvatureAndVelocity
- HandlingDiagram
New K&C Analysis and Tabular Models for Axle Suspensions
There are now suspension experiment templates for axle suspensions. Examples are found in Suspensions.Experiments.Examples.SingleAxles. There are now also K&C analysis experiments for axles in KCAnalysis.Examples.SingleAxles. The K&C analysis writes data to a file that can be used in the new TabularFromFile suspension that describes the axle motion based on tabular data.
Both TabularFromFile and Tabular are compatible with the standard truck chassis templates.
New DataAccess-enabled Tabular Suspensions
Six tabular suspensions have been added that reference the tabular suspension kinematics and compliance (SKC) characteristics from external files. This was possible previously using the TabularFromFile suspension which references a MAT file. The new suspensions allow the SKC characteristics tables to be stored in either JSON or XML files. The suspensions can be found here:
- Suspensions.Front.TabularFromJSON
- Suspensions.Front.TabularFromXML
- Suspensions.Rear.Tabular1DfromJSON
- Suspensions.Rear.Tabular1DfromXML
- Suspensions.Rear.Tabular2DfromJSON
- Suspensions.Rear.Tabular2DfromXML
New Acceleration-based Chassis Experiment
A new robot was added AccelerationFourWheels which applies drive and brake torques to the chassis in order to achieve a commanded acceleration. A new example experiment has been added to demonstrate how the robot is used: StraightLineAcceleration.
New Chassis Sensor for Instant Centers
A new InstantCenters sensor has been added which outputs the front and side view swing arm position, length and angle relative to the wheel center for a linkage.
Circuit functions have been added to the ground interface. The functions are mainly applicable to the TabularRoad and OpenCRG ground models and can be used to determine if the circuit is closed (circuitIsClosed) and the length of the circuit (circuitLength).
Additional suspension templates have been added to allow addition of bumpstops: IndependentSRTT, IndependentSTTT, IndependentRTT, IndependentTTT.
The VelocityFourWheels robot has been improved to have different drive/brake characteristics. Previously, the torque distribution was the same for both positive and negative torque whereas typically the drive and brake torque distribution would different. Typically, the brake torque would be distributed to all for wheels. This was implemented by adding separate drive_proportion and brake_proportion parameters.
Minor Changes
- Added the ability to output a 1D-tabular K&C file from a K&C experiment.
- Disk space required for installation has been significantly reduced by eliminating over 25 DXF shape files.
- The link interfaces (Links.Interfaces.Arm, Links.Interfaces.Link) had trivial inertia defined for i11, i22, i33 (0.001). These inertia values have been set to zero.
Obsolete Models
Removed obsolete ground functions from Grounds.Interfaces.Base: enableSG and resolvePinG. If you have a custom ground model extending from this interface, redeclares of these functions should be removed.
Conversion of user libraries
- User libraries will automatically be converted from version 3.3. These conversions are made using the included conversion script: VehicleDynamics/Resources/Scripts/Convert_to_3.4.mos.
- Vehicle Dynamics Library 3.4 is based on Modelon Base Library 3.4 and Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.