Advanced Computation

Modelon Impact is equipped with Modelon’s advanced mathematical engine – offering users a powerful solution for the simulation and optimization of system behaviors throughout the model-based design cycle. The state-of-the-art solver enables the evaluation of multi-domain physical systems – supporting transient as well as steady-state simulation and dynamic optimization. Modelon Impact’s mathematical engine, known as OPTIMICA Compiler Toolkit, is the trusted Modelica engine in many third-party CAE software tools as well as industrial companies for their in-house software.

Powerful and Versatile

Modelon Impact’s solver supports transient as well as steady-state simulation and dynamic optimization.

Modelica and FMI Compliant

Our compiler is compliant with Modelica’s language specification 3.4 and supports the full Modelica Standard Library version 3.2.3.

Physics-Based Solving

Modelon Impact offers a non-linear solver for large-scale systems of equations arising in steady-state applications.


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