Press Release
// Implements the MFN-JS Loader javascript file
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var s = document.createElement(“script”);
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// The selector of the element where the content of the
// single news item should end up
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// The type of view
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// Default language of the news item shown
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// ‘selected’ uses locale from lang, other options are ‘en’, ‘sv’
// and so on
l10nLang: ‘selected’,
// Author Entity ID provided
entity_id: ’07c7a020-b9be-4e5a-96cb-398cb39918ce’,
// If it should show date
show_date: true,
// ‘default’ or eg [{tag: ‘:regulatory’}]
show_tags: ‘default’,
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// attachment thumbnail size (max size of 585).
// (To ensure high quality thumbnails, we recommend using max size
// and then setting the CSS class of the img to half the size)
attachment_thumbnail_size: 585