What A Year!  We will all remember 2020 for the global pandemic, which is posing enormous challenges to individuals, societies, and businesses worldwide. As a leader for Modelon, I am deeply grateful and proud of how our global organization has responded to this unexpected situation. With care and consideration for each other’s well-being and safety, we have adapted our operations to this new reality. We have delivered on multiple key goals and remained committed to our customer’s success – enabled by our strong culture and fantastic teams. With determination, we reached a major milestone in our company’s history; releasing Modelon Impact, our novel cloud-based systems modeling and simulation platform, which will transform the way companies innovate and engineer in the digital domain. Our mission to empower industries worldwide with revolutionary and collaborative modeling and simulation solutions to meet their critical business and technology challenges and stay competitive is more relevant than ever.

Thank you to our loyal and amazing customers and thank you to our committed employees. It is with sincere gratitude and great confidence that we welcome a New Year. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

With gratitude,

Magnus Gafvert

Magnus Gäfvert 

Chief Executive Officer, Modelon


Modelon Impact

Learn more about Modelon Impact through our on-demand webinars and blogs:

Modelon webinars of the year

Modelon Impact Introduction
Aerospace System Design with Modelon Impact

Modelon 2020 blogs of the year.

Modelon Impact: Lowering Barriers and Bridging Gaps
The Future of Microgrids
Hydrogen Power: Integrating clean fuel to support a clean future
Spline-Based Table Look-Up Media Creator

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