Modelon ライブラリの 更新

Latest Release
New versions of Modelon libraries are now available. View the new features and improvements below!
For Dymola users: Moving forward, Modelon libraries will only be sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers. Libraries will continue to be supported and operational in Dymola as part of our multi-platform strategy. For Dymola users who have not done so already: please contact us directly to receive future updates to your current libraries. For more information on this change, click here.
Air Conditioning Library 1.14
- A new flag was introduced in the air-refrigerant heat exchangers
- The receiver summary Boolean variable full has been removed
- The friction model in pipe components in the experiment models under Templates are no longer parameterized
Electric Power Library 2.3
- Improved Modelica compliance
- New display components created
- Improved dialog box for the System component
Fuel Cell Library 1.5
- Added flow substance visualizers
- Predefined preferential oxidation reactor
- Top-level propagation of composition design parameters
Heat Exchanger Library 1.6
- Configuration of heat exchanger stacks in the air flow has been made more convenient and flexible.
- An opening component as an additional choice for an obstacle in the air stream can be integrated in stacks.
Hydraulics Library 4.6
- New fitting components based on the 3-K (Darby) method added
- A simpler 1-K tee is also available
Hydro Power Library 2.7
- Added droop parameter in powergrid model to enable or disable droop control.
- Improved documentation of recovery factors.
Liquid Cooling Library 1.5.3
- The valve logic has been restructured and extended. It has also been moved to Modelon base library.
Pneumatics Library 2.2
- Example package involving air suspension systems is added.
- New fitting components based on the 3-K (Darby) method.
- Enhanced parameterization option for Bellows model.
Thermal Power Library 1.14
- District heating package with simulation and optimization examples.
- Time varying system ambient temperature.
- Improved parameter dialog for fixed zeta flow resistance.
Vapor Cycle Library 1.5
- New expansion valve models were added to the library.
- The orifice tube model now contains additional options in case the used refrigerant is R744
- A compressor test bench experiment template was added.
Vehicle Dynamics Library 2.5
- A new ISO Slalom maneuver has been introduced.
- New functionality in suspension test rigs.
- Updated interfaces for heavy vehicles.
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